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easiness ['i:zinis]    添加到生词本 复制网址
  • n. 容易,轻松,安适
  • 比较级:eas·i·er, eas·i·est
    名 词:eas'i·ness
  •  3个名词解释

    1. a feeling of refreshing tranquility and an absence of tension or worry
      [同] easiness, relaxation
      • the easiness we feel when sleeping
    2. freedom from difficulty or hardship or effort
      [同] ease, easiness, simpleness, simplicity
      [反] difficultness, difficulty
      • he rose through the ranks with apparent ease
      • they put it into containers for ease of transportation
      • the very easiness of the deed held her back
    3. show all ... ( 3 )