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expose [iks'pəuz]    添加到生词本 复制网址
  • vt. 1. 使面临,使遭遇(危险、攻击、批评、伤害等);使暴露,使显露 (to):例句: to expose one's character to attack 使自己的品质受到攻击to expose someone to danger 使某人面临危险2. 使遭受(特定情况),使处于…的影响(或作用)之下;使接触到;使知悉,使了解 (to):例句: to expose oneself to the influence of bad companions 使自己受坏伙伴的影响to expose children to good books 使儿童受到好书的熏陶3. 使暴露在空气(或寒冷、风雨、阳光等)中;使无遮蔽,使无保护 (to):例句: to expose one's head to the rain 使自己的头挨雨淋exposed to the elements 暴露于
  • 时 态:ex·posed, ex·pos·ing, ex·pos·es
    名 词:ex·pos'er
    1. The workmen exposed the gas pipe.
    2. To expose to danger or the chance of injury;imperil.
    3. The detective exposed the criminal.
    4. Don't expose it to the sunlight.
    5. He exposed himself to great danger.
  •  1个名词解释

    1. the exposure of an impostor or a fraud
      [同] expose, unmasking
      • he published an expose of the graft and corruption in city government


    1. expose or make accessible to some action or influence
      • Expose your students to art
      • expose the blanket to sunshine
    2. make known to the public information that was previously known only to a few people or that was meant to be kept a secret
      [同] disclose, discover, divulge, expose, give away, impart, break, bring out, let on, let out, reveal, unwrap
      • The auction house would not disclose the price at which the van Gogh had sold
      • The actress won't reveal how old she is
      • bring out the truth
      • he broke the news to her
      • unwrap the evidence in the murder ca
    3. show all ... ( 9 )