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fluidity [flu:'iditi]    添加到生词本 复制网址
  • n. 流动性,流质,变移性
  • 名 词:flu·id'i·ty, flu'id·ness
    副 词:flu'id·ly
  •  2个名词解释

    1. the property of flowing easily
      [同] fluidity, fluidness, liquidity, liquidness, runniness
      • adding lead makes the alloy easier to cast because the melting point is reduced and the fluidity is increased
      • they believe that fluidity increases as the water gets warmer
    2. a changeable quality
      [同] fluidity, fluidness
      • a charming Oriental fluidity of manner
      • a certain fluidness in his perception of time made him an unpredictable colleague
      • demographers try to predict social fluidity